Friday, May 31, 2019

Traditional vs. Modern Society Essay -- Anthropology Culture Society E

Traditional vs. Modern SocietyIn todays world, the modern person is educated, independent and aggressive. To be a success, you must put forth your most competitive side and win it all. Nothing little will be permitted. This is the mindset of most business tycoons, stockbrokers and the like. However, on the other side of the globe, third world countries follow a more traditional lifestyle where the outlook on life is a little less malicious. In these countries, the partnerships idea of success is being part of a large family with prosperous crops and livestock. How is it that our society and theirs have both been successful? And why has the traditional trend of life stayed so prevalent in such an industrialized world? First, what exactly does a traditional society entail? A traditional society has many distinguishable traits. A big difference is the rate of illiteracy in these societies. Since everyone in the family is working together to survive, no one has the time or energy to l earn how to read and write. Education is considered an indulgence in traditional societies. Farming is the main career - low urbanization and more rural communities take away these areas. Farming is not meant to bring profit, like in a modern society it means survival for these people. Many people are needed to suck up a field when the crops are ready. Therefore, many children must be born. The birth rates in third world cultures are very high as a result. Males are obviously preferred. Because of the...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Ageism In Playboy :: essays research papers

Ageism in man-about-townDefinitions 1)Content analysis is the process of picking apart and closely observing a subject matter. 2)Ageism is the diversity of people based on their age.Hypothesis That I will find no women over the age 30 pictured in an slue of playboy Magazine.In this paper I plan to prove that the supposal stated above is true because in society younker is considered a both dishy and desirable quality to posses. Because Playboy Magazine is a popular magazine aimed at male readers, and because this magazine uses both youth and beauty to handle itself, it could be concluded that men desire female images that manifest beauty in youth. I chose to look at Playboy because Playboys interest is to sell magazines that satisfy the desires of males. Why does Playboy satisfy the desires of males? It is because in their magazines women between the ages of 18 and 29 are featured nude displaying the youth that their bodies posses. I chose to test this hypothesis by looking at Playboys 1997 January slew and reading the descriptions of the models such as their height, weight, bust, hips, and most importantly age. This particular issue happened to have on the whole models in the running for Playmate of the Year so I had 12 subjects to observe. If this hypothesis holds true, then the real underlying question will surface What makes youth beautiful?My hypothesis was proven true to a certain point. As I thumbed through the twelve models in the running for Playmate of the year, as I suspected, none of the models were over the age of 30. The oldest of the 12 models was age 26. However, my hypothesis stated that I would not find any women in an entire issue of Playboy, not just the models. On page 51 of the 1997 January issue was and interview featuring Whoopi Goldberg. There was not one, not two, but three photographs of the 41-year-old actress. In this entire issue of Playboy, there was a woman over the age of 30 thus my hypothesis was proven wrong. However, I still conclude that ageism still existed in this issue of Playboy Magazine. Why? The answer is because no models over the age of 30 had been chosen to appear nude in this issue. I believe it is because Playboy wants to portray youth as beautiful to its selected reader. The firm bodies and youthful smiles of women under the age of thirty is what Playboys editors consider beautiful.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Cause Effect Essay - The Causes of Date Rape -- Expository Cause Effec

Cause Effect Essay - The Causes of Date RapeThere is no one direct answer of date rape. Although there are usually three key elements involved, socialization, miscommunication, and/or changing sexual mores. In a general sense, traditional male and egg-producing(prenominal) roles in society are part of the problem. Men are taught at a very early age to be aggressors they participate in hard-hitting team sports, are encouraged to be competitive, not to give up, to keep on trying. They are encouraged to have strong sexual feelings and to experiment with their sexual satisfaction as a part of their masculinity. This environment which encourages men to be competitive and get what they want often leads to a belief in the counterbalance to have sex. Women on the other hand are socialized to be more passive, dependent,...

The Case For Work For The Dole :: essays research papers

Youth faces an uncertain future - it always has in one way or another. The proficiency from parental dependency to self-sufficiency and independence has always been (and will continue to be) a difficult one. The stresses of successfully completing high school are intensify by peer pressure, personal and family relationship problems, and the natural problems inherent in being an adolescent. As well, today, to a greater extentso than in yesteryear, there is an ever-present temptation to turn to drugs and alcohol, each as an escape route, or in order to cope with it all. Doing well at school does not guarantee a future career path, level off if the correct choices are known and made. "Starting at the bottom" no longer means that you will get to the top one day. Today, people in their 40s and 50s are being made redundant from positions they once justifiably regarded as being secure until retirement. And competition is strong. Each year it becomes stronger - each year thousand s more students join the ranks of the unemployed, and long term unemployment, especially amongst youth, is a real problem. The Governments "Work for the Dole" Scheme is a much- filled positive step that is helping youth bring out the transition from student, to unemployed, to employee. Each year 25,000 places in the Scheme are functional, 20,000 of which are set aside for young people. Under the Scheme, unemployed people perform last (from 12 to 15 hours per week) in return for their fortnightly unemployment benefit. Participation is for a maximum of six-spot months for people unemployed for a period of more than six months. People aged 17 to 21 are indispensable to work for two six-hour days per week, and people aged 21 and over are required to work for 21/2 six-hour days per week. An extra $10 per week is paid to the participant to allow for extra costs incurred relating to transportation, and child minding facilities are available if necessary. Time off from the sche me can be arranged for attendance at interviews for paid employment. In order to reach those most in need of assistance, participation in the Scheme is compulsory. This is necessary so that the chances of success can be maximised to provide the most benefit to participants.It may be of concern to more or less that the compulsory nature of the Scheme undermines the altruism inherent in volunteer work. Some may fear that it will lead to resentment, lack of cooperation and poor motivating by those forced to take part under threat of diminished or no social security payment.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Employee Theft Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Employee TheftThe following catalogue written by a director of a warranter and safety consulting service discusses a critical issue effecting business in our economy today, that of employee stealth. Our research indicated that, over past six years, no incident of employee stealth have been reported within ten of the companies that have been our clients. In analyzing the security practices of these ten companies, we have further learned that each of them requires its employees to wear photo recognition badges while at work. In the future, we should recommend the personas of such identification badges to all of our clients. The issue of employee theft is a broad problem and has different labels to identify it, shrinking for the retail industry and hidden profit loss in the technology sector are serval examples of common terms used for employee theft. The author of this memorandum presents several data points and suggests one recommendation to effect the issue of employee theft b ased on a sampling of the client population. The overall recommendation of the use of such identification badges to all of our clients. sounds reasonible. A closer look at the conclusion that identification badges alone will resolve the greater issue of employee theft is difficult to support with the amount and type of data given. In todays complex business environment, an identification badge would not address much greater incorporate assets and their protection. To the technology industry for ...

Employee Theft Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Employee TheftThe following memorandum written by a director of a security and safety consulting service discusses a critical unblock effecting business in our economy today, that of employee theft. Our research indicated that, over past six years, no misadventure of employee theft have been reported within ten of the companies that have been our clients. In analyzing the security practices of these ten companies, we have further learned that each of them requires its employees to wear pictorial matter identification badges while at work. In the future, we should recommend the uses of such identification badges to all of our clients. The issue of employee theft is a broad problem and has different labels to attain it, shrinkage for the retail industry and hidden profit loss in the technology sector are serval examples of common terms used for employee theft. The antecedent of this memorandum presents several data points and suggests one testimonial to effect the issue of employ ee theft based on a sampling of the client population. The overall recommendation of the use of such identification badges to all of our clients. sounds reasonible. A closer look at the conclusion that identification badges alone will resolve the greater issue of employee theft is difficult to support with the amount and type of data given. In todays complex business environment, an identification badge would not address much greater corporate assets and their protection. To the technology industry for ...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Alberti and urban context

Among Renaissance architects, Leon Batista Alberti was perhaps the most visionary authority on urban context and urban center planning.Though he was not an urban planner in the modern sense, he had a keen understanding of the metropolis as an integrated, organic whole, and his designs and writings split his view that cities should be well-ordered and buildings should integrate themselves smoothly into that overall fabric. In this regard, he was well ahead of his time and anticipated the ideas of urban context that represent today.Despite his visionary skill and prowess at architecture, Alberti (1404-72) was actually not a professional architect and seems never to have actually even supervised the complex body part of any of his works. He was a polymath, or Renaissance man cultured, well-educated, and well-versed in various academic fields, from art and religion to science and mathematics.According to art historians Ludwig Heydenreich and Wolfgang Lotz, Alberti remained to the en d the consultant who laid down the general lines and occasionally gave instruction for details . . . only when he never set one stone on another.1 Biographer Anthony Graftons commentary is even more to the point an impresario of society and space.2Indeed, Alberti lacked the practical building experience most contemporary architects had, mainly because he was trained to advise and circularise alternatively than actually build. Born illegitimate but privileged in Genoa, he was well-educated as a youth and in 1428 took both a degree in canon law and orders in the Catholic Church.For much of the remainder of his life, Alberti served as an administrator and advisor to the popes, most notably Nicholas V, a booster rocket from youth, who hired him to consult on major building projects in Rome. Though mostly a career church administrator, Alberti pursued a wide set of intellectual interests and presented himself as a master of all the rational arts of living upon which his contempo raries set great store.3In accordance with the Renaissances concern for ancient Greek and Roman models, Alberti drew heavily from antiquity not merely for decoration (which he believed should be used sparingly and tastefully, not alone for the sake of decoration alone), but for proportion and, more importantly, placement within a given physical and historical context.For example, in one of his first major works, the church of San Francesco at Rimini (whose renovation and redesign he supervised around 1450), Alberti used exterior motifs drawn from the areas ancient monuments, varying these to cause the building itself and thus let it reflect the local architectural, cultural, and political contexts.The churchs faade uses simple forms and a scale suited to the buildings around it, because, says Heydenreich, no single persons vision would dominate that setting It was the product of a collaboration between patron, adviser, and working architects. . . . Local styles of this kind occa sionally appear, but only where the political structure of the region favours them. . . .4 In this sense, he heralded the post-modernists of the late twentieth century, who believe in urban fabric and context rather simply in designing buildings with no relationship to their surroundings.Albertis works in Florence between 1455 and 1470 demonstrate, in Heydenreichs words, how deeply the traditional forces in a city can influence the idiom of an architect.5 There, his church of Santa Maria Novello draws heavily from local Tuscan styles and aggregates them with a large Roman scale (as mandated by the Pope), devising a distinctive building that fits with its prominent neighboring structures.(Though he used local elements freely, Alberti rarely directly imitated other buildings when he borrowed forms or elements, he tended to fuse them with those on nearby structures.) Also, and perhaps more importantly, it embraces a unity of design, both within itself and in relation to the buildings around it, so that it does not appear inharmonious or artificially imposed on its immediate context.Alberti also aimed to site buildings according to surveys he conducted, in keeping with his mathematical and cartographic skills. Using a measuring disk he created, his survey of Rome (conducted around 1444, when he first entered architecture) allowed him to establish the radial coordinates of Romes main churches and the towers on the city walls and to plot those in plan.1 L Heydenreich & W Lotz, Architecture in Italy, 1400 to 1600, Penguin, London, 1974, p. 27. 2 A Grafton, Leon Batista Alberti, Hill & Wang, New York, 2000, p. 263. 3 Grafton, p. 21. 4 Heydenreich & Lotz, p. 32. 5 Heydenreich & Lotz, p. 33. 6 R Tavernor, On Alberti and the art of building, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1998, p. 13.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Research Paper on Limited Speech on College Campuses

Student Prof. English 1020 Should Colleges Be Limited to Speech? In The Freedom to Offend, Ian Buruma explains how we have the sort out to utter freely and how we shadower have the granting immunity to offend our own being. the States is the land of the free and we hind end regulate what we want because of the commencement Amendment. bound mother tongue could become an erupt on college campuses because few students inevitably choose to maintain the hatred vernacular codes and some would choose to disobey the despise terminology codes.I am focusing on how campuses atomic number 18 allowing policies to be put into attitude that encumbers students on what they can hypothecate as well as how loathe livery affects students. Limiting speech and abominate speech on campuses goes against the outgrowth Amendment, it goes against student beneficials, the use of censorship violates the First Amendment, and confining speech affects our various(a) college campuses mor e frequently. The First Amendment provides guidelines on how America should work. The First Amendment tell aparts that, Congress shall make no honorabridging the freedom of speech (Greenup 606).One of the main formers that the United States of America was founded was for the mighty to speak freely. America is fantastic because of this freedom. It seems that this is no lasting the case because the courts have been forced to constitute a tightrope on how muckle express themselves through freedom of speech. Greenup states that on college campuses we get the motion picture of a place where ideas and theories argon analyzed, debated and honoredand where no opinion is shunned (Greenup 608). Universities should non create any type of policy that renders us from speaking what we want.Universities have begun to limit what students can severalise and who can give a speech at the university. Universities bring in outside speakers to speak to the student body however, in some cases s peakers can create controversy. For example, Lisa Williamson came to speak at a university located in the Midwest to the highest degree issues related to diversity. After Ms. Williamson spoke an organization known as the Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan came into the universities offices of mixture and Equal Opportunity and asked to speak, but the university denied their request.The university believed that the Ku Klux Klan preached faulty information but still the Ku Klux Klan demanded that they be afforded the same opportunity to address the university community as was provided for Ms. Williamson (Greenup 606). The university still would non give them the right to speak because it did non reflect the t integrity of Ms. Williamsons presentations (Greenup 605-606). Now even though most bulk do not oppose with the ways of the Ku Klux Klan I aboveboard think they have the right to speak to their followers and anyone who wants to listen.I do not agree with their way s, but this is America and many slew do not understand the concept that we all have the right to speak freely. If someone states that we cannot speak then that is going against the head start amendment. Bradley W. Wendel of the Harvard Journal of jurisprudence says, To put the point bluntly, colleges and universities are in the business of commanding the speech of members of their communities, and trying to affect the beliefs of students (Wendel 408).What Wendel is stating here is that colleges nowadays are controlling what anyone can say and what we believe. The Ku Klux Klan has the right to speak what they believe and colleges should not tell them that they cannot speak. Colleges cannot control what we say, it is just wrong. To not allow anyone speak because of his or her beliefs is just entirely wrong. The Ku Klux Klan has a right to speak freely. The university has put in shun a speech code that entitles only a few certain people to be able to speak.Ku Klux Klan goes wit h these hate speech codes that make them unable to express their opinion. hate speech codes become useless because laws that have already been placed instead of relying on freedom limiting hate speech codes can solve problems. Hate speech codes go against our fundamental rights as citizens of the United States of America because of our freedom of speech. A second reason why universities should not limit peoples freedom of speech would be because of censorship. Censorship is speech that has been censored because it has been deemed inappropriate or harmful.Also when the government uses censorship it is unconstitutional. An example of censorship would be that according to Sara Hebel of the Chronicle of high Education, public-college officials in California would be strictly limited in their dexterity to censor the subject area of student-run newspapers under proposed legislation that passed the State Assembly this month (Hebel A28). Hebel explains that college students are worried t hat the bill will provide campus administrators to infringe new limits on what students say (Hebel A28).Hebel accurately reflects on the issue at hand and I agree with her position because students should not have to limit what they can or cannot say in a newspaper. Citizens need to know the truth and the truth would not be fully explained and contrasted without something akin hate speech. The bill states The bill would write into state law wide-cut protections for the written speech of college journalists, a move that would complement and enhance the free-speech rights to which students are already entitled under the First Amendment.It would to a fault order how campus administrators might make out student publications that colleges help finance and operate. Under the measure, which now goes to the State Senate, college administrators would retain the ability to discipline students for publishing hate speech. And students would still be required to watch libel and slander laws (Hebel A28). Freedom of speech should not be limited except when freedom of speech is put into harmful situations. smear is when someone makes a false spoken statement that damages someones reputation.This is an example of when freedom of speech should be limited. It is wrong for someone to initially defame someone. other example of when speech should be limited is libel. Libel is when someone damages someone elses reputation expressed through writing. Hate speech can come in many forms and limiting speech would be wrong unless it was put into a harmful situation. Another example of how hate speech codes are affecting students would be at Emory University. Gerald Uelmen is a professor at the Santa Clara University School of integrity. Professor Uelmen is renowned for his extensive experience in vile law.He is most well-known for serving on the defense team for the trial of People v. O. J. Simpson in 1994-1995. Well according to Uelmen hate speech codes follow some(prenominal) formats. Some codes, including Emorys, obliterate speech or conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. Court rulings have prohibited public (state-run) colleges and universities from en acting codes that restrict the constitutional right to free speech based on content (Uelmen). I equal the fact that hate speech codes make sure that students are safe within the university.I also like that universities are not suppose to put in codes that will go against the First Amendment. I also think that universities probably do not follow these laws all the sequence curiously earlier when I mentioned the new newspaper bill. It is not right for students to have to know these policies for hate speech codes it just is not fair towards the students. In society these days people should not have to worry about other people talking about them behind their back. Everyone flora together in this world and I do not understand why we cannot just get along.Ac cording to Jeremy Waldron, a professor that taught law and philosophy at New York University Law School, was a professor of social and political theory at Oxford, and was an adjunct professor at Victoria University in New Zealand, believes that we are diverse in our ethnicity, our race, our appearance, and our religions, and we are embarked on a grand experiment of living and working together despite these sorts of differences (Waldron) just like colleges. He believes that everyone should not live in fear and just to live life day by day.Hate speech on college campuses are more diverse and the experiences of hate speech occurring is more likely to happen. I believe that no one should have to live in fear on college campuses because of hate speech. sporting people are not superior, I mean look at President Barrack Obama, he is black and the leader of our bucolic, and so he must be doing something right. further since people have to live in fear, according to Waldron the older gen erations of the black and Muslim families have to explain to their children why slanderous, libelous, and hateful statements are made towards them.Waldron says, eject their lives be led, can their children be brought up, can their hopes be maintained and their worst fears dispelled, in a social environment polluted by these materials (Waldron). This quote explains what people of different minorities have to endure for their children. Can their children be brought up different than they were? Hate speech is an awful thing to succumb to and people of different diversities especially on college campuses should not have to go through that pain.Waldron also says, Diversity and inclusiveness are so wonderful but fragile that maintaining the gravitas of vulnerable minorities (Professor Waldron loves this expression) is a positive obligation not only for government but also for individuals. The law should on that pointfore require us to refrain from acting in a way that is calculated to undermine the dignity of other people (Waldron). This quote by Professor Waldron tells us that diversity is a dear thing, but it is also a fragile thing. Waldron says that the law should require us to refrain from undermining the dignity of the vulnerable minorities. As citizens of the United States of America we need to waive hating people and let them have a say in how they feel. America is suppose to be the melting pot of the world and the land of the free and no body unavoidably to be limited to it. In conclusion, limiting freedom of speech and allowing hate speech codes to be involved in our college campuses is unconstitutional. Limiting freedom of speech and allowing hate speech into our college campuses is wrong. University students are one of the main focus points in our society that are affected by limiting speech.They do not have the right to speak what they want because of hate speech codes and because university officials have a policy on what they can say or do. I ho nestly think there is something we can do about this, but everyone would have to work together. Unfortunately, I do not see that happening any time soon. Sooner or later this is how America is going to become. If we do not act soon we will no longer have the right to say what we want and the First Amendment will slowly disappear. We will not have the right to what we want to say anymore.Being able to say what we want in this country is a privilege. some people in other countries do not get to say what they want because their country will not allow them to do so. No one should be able to take our right away from us because it ay hurt people. This is America, many important officials wrote the Constitution of the United States of America in 1787 for a purpose. They cherished us to have freedom and the right to do many things people could not do. The Constitution has been in place and used since 1789. This put up must be important if we are still using it today in our government sys tems.So in conclusion, college students should not be limited to speech and hate speech codes should not come into effect within Americas college systems. Works Cited Buruma, Ian, The Freedom to Offend. The Best American Essays 2007. Ed. David Foster Wallace and? Robert Atwan. Boston Houghton Mifflin, 2007. 22-27. Print Greenup, John S. The First Amendment And The advanced To Hate. Journal Of Law Education 34. 4 (2005) 605-613. OmniFile expert Text Mega (H. W. Wilson). Web. 13 Nov. 2012. Hebel, Sara. California Bill Would Curb Official Censorship Of Student Newspapers. Chronicle Of Higher Education (2006) A28. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H. W. Wilson). Web. 11 Nov. 2012. Uelmen, Gerald. The Price of Free Speech Campus Hate Speech Codes. Santa Clara University, 1990. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. Waldron, Jeremy. The Harm in Hate Speech, Harvard University Press, 2012, 292 pp. , 26. 95. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. Wendel, W. Bradley. A Moderate defense force Of Hate Speech Regulations On University Campuses. Harvard Journal On Legislation 41. 2 (2004) 407-420. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H. W. Wilson). Web. 13 Nov. 2012.Research Paper on Limited Speech on College CampusesStudent Prof. English 1020 Should Colleges Be Limited to Speech? In The Freedom to Offend, Ian Buruma explains how we have the right to speak freely and how we can have the freedom to offend our own being. America is the land of the free and we can say what we want because of the First Amendment. Limiting speech could become an issue on college campuses because some students inevitably choose to follow the hate speech codes and some would choose to disobey the hate speech codes.I am focusing on how campuses are allowing policies to be put into place that limits students on what they can say as well as how hate speech affects students. Limiting speech and hate speech on campuses goes against the First Amendment, it goes against student rights, the use of censorship violates the First Amendment, and limiting speec h affects our diverse college campuses more frequently. The First Amendment provides guidelines on how America should work. The First Amendment states that, Congress shall make no lawabridging the freedom of speech (Greenup 606).One of the main reasons that the United States of America was founded was for the right to speak freely. America is unique because of this freedom. It seems that this is no longer the case because the courts have been forced to create a tightrope on how people express themselves through freedom of speech. Greenup states that on college campuses we get the image of a place where ideas and theories are analyzed, debated and honoredand where no opinion is shunned (Greenup 608). Universities should not create any type of policy that renders us from speaking what we want.Universities have begun to limit what students can say and who can give a speech at the university. Universities bring in outside speakers to speak to the student body however, in some cases spea kers can create controversy. For example, Lisa Williamson came to speak at a university located in the Midwest about issues related to diversity. After Ms. Williamson spoke an organization known as the Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan came into the universities offices of Diversity and Equal Opportunity and asked to speak, but the university denied their request.The university believed that the Ku Klux Klan preached faulty information but still the Ku Klux Klan demanded that they be afforded the same opportunity to address the university community as was provided for Ms. Williamson (Greenup 606). The university still would not give them the right to speak because it did not reflect the tone of Ms. Williamsons presentations (Greenup 605-606). Now even though most people do not agree with the ways of the Ku Klux Klan I honestly think they have the right to speak to their followers and anyone who wants to listen.I do not agree with their ways, but this is America and many people do not understand the concept that we all have the right to speak freely. If someone says that we cannot speak then that is going against the first amendment. Bradley W. Wendel of the Harvard Journal of Legislation says, To put the point bluntly, colleges and universities are in the business of controlling the speech of members of their communities, and trying to affect the beliefs of students (Wendel 408).What Wendel is stating here is that colleges nowadays are controlling what anyone can say and what we believe. The Ku Klux Klan has the right to speak what they believe and colleges should not tell them that they cannot speak. Colleges cannot control what we say, it is just wrong. To not let anyone speak because of his or her beliefs is just completely wrong. The Ku Klux Klan has a right to speak freely. The university has put in hate a speech code that entitles only a few certain people to be able to speak.Ku Klux Klan goes with these hate speech codes that make them unabl e to express their opinion. Hate speech codes become useless because laws that have already been placed instead of relying on freedom limiting hate speech codes can solve problems. Hate speech codes go against our fundamental rights as citizens of the United States of America because of our freedom of speech. A second reason why universities should not limit peoples freedom of speech would be because of censorship. Censorship is speech that has been censored because it has been deemed inappropriate or harmful.Also when the government uses censorship it is unconstitutional. An example of censorship would be that according to Sara Hebel of the Chronicle of Higher Education, public-college officials in California would be strictly limited in their ability to censor the content of student-run newspapers under proposed legislation that passed the State Assembly this month (Hebel A28). Hebel explains that college students are worried that the bill will provide campus administrators to inf ringe new limits on what students say (Hebel A28).Hebel accurately reflects on the issue at hand and I agree with her position because students should not have to limit what they can or cannot say in a newspaper. Citizens need to know the truth and the truth would not be fully explained and contrasted without something like hate speech. The bill states The bill would write into state law broad protections for the written speech of college journalists, a move that would complement and enhance the free-speech rights to which students are already entitled under the First Amendment.It would also prescribe how campus administrators might oversee student publications that colleges help finance and operate. Under the measure, which now goes to the State Senate, college administrators would retain the ability to discipline students for publishing hate speech. And students would still be required to observe libel and slander laws (Hebel A28). Freedom of speech should not be limited except wh en freedom of speech is put into harmful situations. Slander is when someone makes a false spoken statement that damages someones reputation.This is an example of when freedom of speech should be limited. It is wrong for someone to initially defame someone. Another example of when speech should be limited is libel. Libel is when someone damages someone elses reputation expressed through writing. Hate speech can come in many forms and limiting speech would be wrong unless it was put into a harmful situation. Another example of how hate speech codes are affecting students would be at Emory University. Gerald Uelmen is a professor at the Santa Clara University School of Law. Professor Uelmen is renowned for his extensive experience in criminal law.He is most well-known for serving on the defense team for the trial of People v. O. J. Simpson in 1994-1995. Well according to Uelmen hate speech codes follow several formats. Some codes, including Emorys, prohibit speech or conduct that crea tes an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. Court rulings have prohibited public (state-run) colleges and universities from enacting codes that restrict the constitutional right to free speech based on content (Uelmen). I like the fact that hate speech codes make sure that students are safe within the university.I also like that universities are not suppose to put in codes that will go against the First Amendment. I also think that universities probably do not follow these laws all the time especially earlier when I mentioned the new newspaper bill. It is not right for students to have to know these policies for hate speech codes it just is not fair towards the students. In society these days people should not have to worry about other people talking about them behind their back. Everyone works together in this world and I do not understand why we cannot just get along.According to Jeremy Waldron, a professor that taught law and philosophy at New York Univers ity Law School, was a professor of social and political theory at Oxford, and was an adjunct professor at Victoria University in New Zealand, believes that we are diverse in our ethnicity, our race, our appearance, and our religions, and we are embarked on a grand experiment of living and working together despite these sorts of differences (Waldron) just like colleges. He believes that everyone should not live in fear and just to live life day by day.Hate speech on college campuses are more diverse and the experiences of hate speech occurring is more likely to happen. I believe that no one should have to live in fear on college campuses because of hate speech. White people are not superior, I mean look at President Barrack Obama, he is black and the leader of our country, and so he must be doing something right. But since people have to live in fear, according to Waldron the older generations of the black and Muslim families have to explain to their children why slanderous, libelous , and hateful statements are made towards them.Waldron says, Can their lives be led, can their children be brought up, can their hopes be maintained and their worst fears dispelled, in a social environment polluted by these materials (Waldron). This quote explains what people of different minorities have to endure for their children. Can their children be brought up different than they were? Hate speech is an awful thing to succumb to and people of different diversities especially on college campuses should not have to go through that pain.Waldron also says, Diversity and inclusiveness are so wonderful but fragile that maintaining the dignity of vulnerable minorities (Professor Waldron loves this expression) is a positive obligation not only for government but also for individuals. The law should therefore require us to refrain from acting in a way that is calculated to undermine the dignity of other people (Waldron). This quote by Professor Waldron tells us that diversity is a good thing, but it is also a fragile thing. Waldron says that the law should require us to refrain from undermining the dignity of the vulnerable minorities. As citizens of the United States of America we need to quit hating people and let them have a say in how they feel. America is suppose to be the melting pot of the world and the land of the free and no body needs to be limited to it. In conclusion, limiting freedom of speech and allowing hate speech codes to be involved in our college campuses is unconstitutional. Limiting freedom of speech and allowing hate speech into our college campuses is wrong. University students are one of the main focus points in our society that are affected by limiting speech.They do not have the right to speak what they want because of hate speech codes and because university officials have a policy on what they can say or do. I honestly think there is something we can do about this, but everyone would have to work together. Unfortunately, I do not see that happening any time soon. Sooner or later this is how America is going to become. If we do not act soon we will no longer have the right to say what we want and the First Amendment will slowly disappear. We will not have the right to what we want to say anymore.Being able to say what we want in this country is a privilege. Most people in other countries do not get to say what they want because their country will not allow them to do so. No one should be able to take our right away from us because it ay hurt people. This is America, many important officials wrote the Constitution of the United States of America in 1787 for a purpose. They wanted us to have freedom and the right to do many things people could not do. The Constitution has been in place and used since 1789. This piece must be important if we are still using it today in our government systems.So in conclusion, college students should not be limited to speech and hate speech codes should not come into effect within Am ericas college systems. Works Cited Buruma, Ian, The Freedom to Offend. The Best American Essays 2007. Ed. David Foster Wallace and? Robert Atwan. Boston Houghton Mifflin, 2007. 22-27. Print Greenup, John S. The First Amendment And The Right To Hate. Journal Of Law Education 34. 4 (2005) 605-613. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H. W. Wilson). Web. 13 Nov. 2012. Hebel, Sara. California Bill Would Curb Official Censorship Of Student Newspapers. Chronicle Of Higher Education (2006) A28. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H. W. Wilson). Web. 11 Nov. 2012. Uelmen, Gerald. The Price of Free Speech Campus Hate Speech Codes. Santa Clara University, 1990. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. Waldron, Jeremy. The Harm in Hate Speech, Harvard University Press, 2012, 292 pp. , 26. 95. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. Wendel, W. Bradley. A Moderate Defense Of Hate Speech Regulations On University Campuses. Harvard Journal On Legislation 41. 2 (2004) 407-420. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H. W. Wilson). Web. 13 Nov. 2012.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Alibaba: Competing in China and Beyond Essay

1. IntroductionIn this paper, we will talk about the most successful and famous e-commerce family in mainland chinaware Alibaba Group about its argument strategies and its future moving. Alibaba Group was founded by Ma Yun (Jack) and the other 17 people in 1999 in Hangzhou. Jack wants to make the meshwork become a universal, estimable and reliable tool that would benefit the public. Alibaba Group now is holding by private, it has much than 70 offices in Greater China, Singapore, India, the United Kingdom and the United States, with more than 20,400 employees.2. History and Development of AlibabaIn 1999, Alibaba was formally established in Hangzhou and it financed from Softbank, Goldman Sachs, Fidelity Investments and other U.S. investment agencies for about 25 million dollars. Three years later, Alibabas B2B become profitable. In 2003, Chinas first personal e-commerce position Taobao was established by Alibaba, in the same time, it also published the online payment system-Al ipay to agree their B2B and C2C work. In 2005, Alibaba established a strategic partnership with Yahoo USA meanwhile, it was in charge of Yahoo China. In 2007, Alibaba founded the business management software club Ali Software, and Limited initial offering inHong Kong Stock Exchange. In 2009, Alibaba Cloud Computing established, later in 2010, Taobao Mall started an independent domain name and it became Alibabas B2C wait on website which is focus on quality goods sales. In 2012, Alibaba Group has completed the initial share buyback and restructure the relationship with Yahoo, while, Limited officially delisted from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.graph 2.1 Overview of Alibaba Group3. Alibabas competition advantages3.1 Biggest commercialize share of E-commerce in ChinaWe can see from the charts, till the end of 2013, Alibaba has owned the biggest market share in B2B, B2C, C2C and online-payment service. It has already became the top one e-commerce come with in China.graph 3.1.1 China B2B Market in 2013Chart 3.1.2 China B2C Market in 2013Source http//www.china net 3.1.3 China C2C Market ShareChart 3.1.4 China Online Payment Market ShareSource & http// The largest B2B, B2C and C2C websiteAlibaba is the worlds largest provider of online trading, and the worlds largest business forum. To December 31, 2012, the platform had around 500 million registered users and more than 2.8 million supplier storefronts, andits websites are available in English, Simplified Chinese, Korean and other languages. It provides master services for the global business.3.3 The visibility is very strongDepends on its Propaganda efforts, almost all all over the world have their ads now.3.4 Better functionAlibabas site speed, reasonable softwares, and good service attracted entrepreneurs of all ages around the world.3.5. OthersAlso Alibaba had a high reputation in the Asia Pacific region and it always keep innovation, for example, in 2013 it officially published its online chat App beseeched LaiWang.4. The Movement of IPO (Initial Public Offering)4.1 BackgroundOn March, 2014, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. announced the company will do IPO in New York Stock Exchange the estimated time will be in quarter three of 2014. The IPO scale is considered to be between $cl200 billion (USD) (Chen, 2014). If the plan is actually executed, it will be one of the biggest IPO scales in the history. To do IPO, from the obvious perspective, it is for arranging the global market. However, it has been 15 years since Alibaba was founded in 1999, why the company decided to do IPO now? What is the reason behind and trigger this movement? It is worth to look into the meanings behind and meditate the reasons. There are two major reasons behind this huge action. One is keeping the control right inside the partnership the other is competing with the main and biggest opponent Tencent in China. 4.2 Maintaining the control rightThe first reason is to maintain the control right inside the partnership. For the founder of Alibaba, the core idea of managing the firm is to keep the company culture and the innovation power. Based on this idea, he developed the special partnership structure for the firm. The special partnership structure is meaning CEO unavoidably to be chosen from Alibabas partners. And, tobecome the partner, the staff needs to be the core manager in the department and work in Alibaba group at least five years. The meeting of choosing partners will run one time per year, the nominee needs to get at least 75% votes from the existing partners, therefore he/she can become the partner.Now the boards of directors are formed by 2 seats of Alibaba, 1 seat of Softback and 2 seats of Yahoo. It is redoubted for the founder and managers that they can be replaced or take away the control right suddenly. The shareholding structure of Alibaba now is around Yahoo has 23%, So ftbank has 31.9%, the founder has 7.4% and managers/other shareholders have 37.7%.According to the agreement between Yahooand Alibaba in 2012, if Alibaba can do IPO before in the end of 2015, then Alibaba can redemption the half of holding shares which Yahoo takes now, also Yahoo will give up one seat in board of directors. Therefore, doing IPO is not fair a simple global strategy, more with the implicit intention behind.4.3 Rising competitionThe second reason is to compete with Tencent in China. Alibaba is the biggest B2B and B2C e-commerce company in China it has leading position for past years. However, the situation has changed in recent 34 years, more and more users access the internet including buying goods and services via carrel phones. It is the benefit access for the competitor Tencent to grab the market from Alibaba. Especially, Tencent just bought a large stake of (Gittleson, 2014). is the second biggest e-commerce site in China and in B2C market it is al so the second place right behind Alibaba.The competition intention with Alibaba is obvious. The recent competitions between two parties can refer the below Table 4.3.1. twain companies also start to make acquisitions in small areas and ready for a head-to-head competition (Gittleson, 2014). Tencent doesnt need to worry about the money since the company did IPO right early in 2004 in Hong Kong Stock Exchange the stock price is HK$578 on 18th, March, 2014 which is 156 times more compared to 10 years agone (Yu, 2014). Hence, Alibaba needs to find the moneysupport and start this one of the most expensive competitions in online history. said by Kim Gittleson from BBC news.Main businessE-commerce platforms in B2B,B2C and C2C markets.(Taobao, TMall, Alipay) minute of arc message platform.(QQ, WeChat)Recent Competitions1. During Chinese New Year, Tencent launched a mobile payment service that users can send or receive the money of red piece of land on line it gave a warning to Alibabas Al ipay (Gittleson, 2014).2. The competition in mobile app for calling taxis (Alibabas Kuaidi v.s. Tencents Didi). The app not only can call cabs just now also can tip for the ride. It is estimated that both parties pay more than $3 billion to subsidize it (Tong, 2014). 3. In the end of 2013, Alibaba launched one messaging act called LaiWang and tried to compete with Tencents WeChat5. ConclusionAs we can find out from the previous chapters, Alibaba is a market leader and dominance Chinese e-commerce markets over ten years. Due to its large market share, innovation power and strong website function, no one is able to challenge its leading positions. However, in recent years, internet users start to change their using ways via the booming mobile phones. It benefits another giant company Tencent to penetrate Alibabas existing markets.Even though Alibaba has the first-mover advantages in the market, the competition from Tencent doesnt stop even getting aggressive. From the IPO movement o f Alibaba, it can see Alibaba take this competition serious and doesnt want to lose. cardinal giants battle for the leading place. The tough and expensive competition with Tencent just started. But, now Alibaba not only need to concern about the domestic competition but also need to make careful actions in global markets due to the IPO. The future of Alibaba is becoming more uncertain since the global markets are adding into the plan and the dissolve competition keeps going on.6. References1. Bidwai, S.V. (2010) Case Analysis Alibaba Competing in China and Beyond. 2. Chen, Copper (2014) Super IPO, whats the meaning for Alibaba (translated). Business Next. Retrieved from http// 3. China Internet Watch 2013. For Charts 3.1.1, 3.1.2 & 3.1.4. Retrieved from http// Gittleson, Kim (2014) Tencent and Alibaba Battle for Internet Dominance in China. BBC News. Retrieved fromhttp// South ern Weekly. For Charts 3.1.3. Retrieved from http// 6. Tong, Frank (2014) Alibabas Founder Talks about Its IPO and Competition. Internet Retailer. Retrieved fromhttp// nd-competition.7. Walraven, Piet (2009) A Brief History (and Future) of TechNode. Retrieved fromhttp// 8. Wang, Guo-An & Lim, Yong-Taek (n.g) Research in Chinas Alibabas Development.9. Yu, Sophie (2014) A Tale of Two Internet Leaders Tencent vs Alibaba. China Business. Retrieved fromhttp// eaders-tencent-vs-alibaba.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Global Marketing Leadership Essay

Global trade leading and estimable issues confirm turn a more frequent occurrence give the increased line participation the forever suppuration orbicular economy. Even though some spate think that enculturation is fragile and when compromised will cease to exist, grocery storeing apprize be both the preserving measure of a culture or its compromising factor. market of products stems from a more economically developed and open market societies such as countries like The United States, Europe, and Australia to name a few.The selling ethical motive and leaders dilemma begins with how to translate an open market to economical underdeveloped countries and how to market with cultural sensitivity without losing the ethical integrity of what the byplay sector stands for and actually engages in. The point to be posed and answered by the ethical leadership and selling of globally participator businesses is if cultural sensitivity the driving force behind the study of glo bal ethics and leadership or is this just as adaptable as the open market for business is today?With increased globalization come increased cross-cultural ethics issues. Modern marketing is supposeed as that compromising factor that westernizes cultures globally, only, advances cultures as well. The focus of ethical marketing is how to respect the cultural practices and views of ethics and market a business product effectively. Cultural divides should not create a dilemma in the globalized economy however, the sensitivity to cultural ethics should warrant a business to have integrity and pride in their products while adhering to often hard to adapt cultural ethical views.Culturally we are different and should be respected however cultural differences should be celebrated and adapted too in order to really see a unified global marketing sight. Another question to be answered by ethical marketing should be how does a business effectively differentiate and look the ethical and the cultural sensitivities from country to country they compliments to secure a market share in? Cultural Marketing SensitivitiesAs businesses enter and seek to sustain their market positions in the ever growing global market, the tactics of marketing intentiond must be adapted to been seen as ethical to the cultures presented but not so adapted that the integrity of the business is lost. To achieve this balance Aristotles mean doctrine focuses on the moral virtues that are identified as the middle ground between selfish motor and an indifferent motive. The moral and ethical differences also need to be addressed as the act of engaging in marketing for a business is to satisfy, anticipate and identify customer product requirements profitably (Carrigan et. l. , 2005). A goal of marketing is to identify consumer requirements of a product as their largest vote globally is the dollars in which they use to purchase various products. Globally, standards set out and must be addressed throug h the interface of marketing ethics that joins the buyer preferences with overall company profitability aspirations on the demand of their products and services. The culture of a country plays a large role in the way the members of that society relate ethics in marketing and the socializing of what is viewed as acceptable behaviors (Pires et. al. , 2002 ).To better understand Pires et. al. (2002) continues to explain that ethics is a compromised set of four classical philosophical questions that relate to the phenomenon of global marketing ethics (1) what is the first principle of things? (Metaphysics), (2) what is true? (Epistemology), (3) what is sightly (Aesthetics), and (4) how to persuade or influence others? (Rhetoric) (Pires et. al. , 2002) All four of these questions lend themselves to the understanding of the urgency of fundamental understanding of how ethics, leadership, marketing and the global markets relate to each other.Ethics of Marketing Metaphysics What is the fir st principle of things? Metaphysics as a constructed by Kant as metaphysics of morals is an ethical point of view of morality in reference to self-interest over community as applied to the ethical dilemma of globalized marketing. Kant (1788) metaphysics view on ethics and morality apply a utilitarian theory and focused on the duties of the business not being associated with complete self-interest (Carrigan et. al. , 2005, p. 481).Metaphysical morality when applied to global marketing directs businesses to seek to satisfy objectives other than business interest. Kants study continues to reveal that businesses have a duty to satisfy and deliver benefits through ethical marketing strategies sensitive to the cultures they are trying to influence (Carrigan et. al. , 2005, p. 481). The pay-off and ultimate moral imperative for a business is securing the sale of the items marketed globally. The businesses utilization of Kants metaphysical morality can lead to ncreased market presence as t he business appears ethical to the global consumer. The first principle of global marketing is to appear acceptable in behavior, ethical and culturally sensitive during the marketing process. While appearing ethical in marketing, businesses must also adhere to varying truth standards for each global market the business enters. Epistemology What is true? Epistemology as a marketing ethics and leadership component is demonstrated in the study of knowledge and justified beliefs (Carrigan et. al. , 2005).Marketing on a global scale must make normative moral decisions when presenting the business version of the truth within its adverting. Product safety and the correlated marketing global advertisements must be presented in a non-controversial way and with sensitivity towards the ethical boundaries of the global markets. Western ethics vary defiantly and operating globally will involve a quest through epistemological objective reality (Pires et. al. , 2002, p. 111). The introduction of a n objective reality is in stark product line to the Nipponese culture fueled by tradition that is not as flexible to outside influence.The United States has the ability to find truth for many small and incorporated cultural groups while justifying the objective reality as a normative moral marketing tactic acceptable within the United States culture. In contrast to Japan that is rooted is aesthetics and normative moral conduct based around what is considered respectable. The cultural views of beauty can often be taboo in cross-cultural marketing and businesses are charged with presenting a beautiful, ethical and esthetically acceptable by each global markets standards.Aesthetics What is beautiful? Beauty ethics in marketing is as very important as it translates desirability of the product and sells the benefits of a product through visual artistry. An exercise of the aesthetic marketing manipulation power as explained by Carrigan et. al. (2005) is in order to market and develop a market for tobacco products, tobacco companies were distributing promotional cigarettes to anyone in Taiwan despite of age or gender by beautiful young girls creating a luring effect on the culture (Carrigan et. l. , 2005). The use of aesthetically pleasing young girls can be seen as an unethical way to promote a health harming product, especially without requirements of age. Marketing within western culture is considered ethical and within cultural boundaries as the marketing use of young beautiful girls is usual place and accepted as normal behavior. Nudity is common in Western culture as we celebrate beauty and stardom, which is not, accepted everywhere as close as Japan.A culture bathed in tradition, desolation is not acceptable behavior and in reference to marketing ethics would be considered unethical and in poor taste. Kant explained aesthetics as an appreciation in terms of delight or aversion of an object or person delight being known as beautiful (Dobson, 2010). The aes thetic ethics is not utilitarian, however does create a corporate aesthetic style (Dobson, 2010). The consumer is the most groundingal relationship the business desires to build as the marketing campaigns demonstrate an overall business and product aesthetic.Beauty creates a visual representation of the marketing campaign however the rhetoric of the marketing tends to be what sticks with the desired audience. Rhetoric How to persuade or influence others? Rhetoric ethics is a utilitarian ethical theory that reviews the power of influencing others. Culturally, international marketers are in control of a majority of the marketing mix allowing them the potential to shape political power, changing social structures, and influencing economic development (Dobson, 2010).The utility of participating in a globalized marketing campaign has to dumbfound benefits that outweigh the price to comply with cultural difference in ethics and leadership. Persuasion and agreement has to be forthcoming and evaluated on the basis of societal cost if safety concerns or recalls surface for the products being marketed. Given the power to persuade, companies should never try to justify any actions to the consumer that hurt or harm them, however the marketing company should strive to maintain a high set of ethical standards within the rhetoric of their marketing (Dobson, 2010).Ethical marketing and global leadership relies on firms accepting global responsibility for the claims made in advertising to spark consumer interest and ultimately their commitment to patron the business. Conclusion In a global marketing scenario the utilitarianism view would be comfortable in reviewing and weighing the cost of a possibly culturally insensitive and unethical marketing campaign if it secured gross revenue and interest for a business.Marketing hangs societys needs without ethical strings or boundaries as explained by Carrigan et. al. (2005) referencing the explanation given by Fineman. at heart multi-national companies that participate globally, there is Fineman, as quoted by Carrigan et. al. (2005) details how apart from the lapses with gun marketing, pornography, Breadshaw and Palfreman presented marketing as a neutral system or tools of management that serve the market with good (Carrigan et. al. , 2005, p. 83). Culturally, the globalization of the market has empowered leaders to seek an ethical foundation that is uniform when engaging in promoting their business. The ethical dilemma enters when cultures vary so significantly that the definitions of acceptable behavior are polar opposites. Dunfee et. al (1999) posed the research thesis of finding a normative moral foundation for marketing that provides a framework of resolve for the ethical issues that arise in global marketing.The commonality of Kantian, virtue, rights, justice utilitarianism and social contract theories of global marketing is the perspective of impartiality and marketing morality. Moving forward as th e global economy continues to grow, the overall ethical fibers of the marketing profession will need to adapt with the ever changing cultures of the world. As the consumers taste change, so will the marketing ethics and leadership strategies in order to remain effective and acceptable culturally.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Examine how Miller creates dramatic tension Essay

Examine how Miller creates spectacular tension in the icteric bird sight of The Crucible and consider how an audience might re dally Arthur Millers move, The Crucible, is set in Massachusetts in 1692, where mass hysteria guide to the Salem witchcraft trials. The same kind of situation occurred in the1950s resulting in the Anti-Communist frenzy of that time kn testify as McCarthyism. In my essay I delegate to examine how Miller creates tension in the jaundiced Bird impression by using dramatic effects to engage the audience in the play and keep them engrossed, involved and on the edge of their seats.At the beginning of act three, the mood is set by the stage directions and descriptions. It says, the room is empty but for cheer pouring in through two high windows in the black wall. It gives the impression of solemnity and depression, and also makes the small room seem claustrophobic so the girls have nowhere to escape. This reflects the stifling society and the situation that the girls have got themselves into. The scene starts after Elizabeth has just lied to the court in order to protect her husband, which is a quiet scene.When the court starts accusing the Proctors, Hale stands up and shifts the blame on to Abigail, as he is the only person except for John Proctor who put forward see what is going on, apart from the audience who would now start to become a little frustrated. Abigail then creates a diversion by screaming and looking for up towards the rafters. The stage directions say, with a weird, wild, chilling cry, screams up to the ceiling. She knows that she is in danger of the truth being exposed and tries to divert the attention from herself. Every integrity is now staring at Abigail, the characters and audience not knowing what is going on.Gradually, the other girls join in as they understand what Abigail is doing and they put on a very convincing act to Danforth and the audience, which is very frustrating, as we know that she is guilty an d now trying to get away with it. A yellow bird is mentioned and the girls pretend that they can see it on the beams and behind the rafters, while Proctor shouts that there is no yellow bird. Abigail starts to talk to the bird, to ask why it has come, to keep up the pretence of the dramatic situation. bloody shames name is mentioned, Abigail pretending that bloody shame is possessing the yellow bird as the devil and she screams, My face?My face to the ceiling, making it seem that she is the victim. Mary immediately springs to her feet and protests in shock, appeal Abigail to stop with the deception and to tell the truth. Abigail says that she cannot stop because it is gods work that she does and this creates even more frustration and hatred towards Abigail from the audience because we know that Mary is unacquainted(p) and Abigail is such a convincing liar. The other girls pick on the a trance and Mary gets more and more agitated as she cannot defend herself against the gigantic cluster of girls in hysteria.They act like bullies, ganging up on her because she is weak and the tension builds up, as Mary gets more and more distressed. The girls start mimicking Mary, which is a regular(prenominal) playground-bullying device, which is guaranteed to undermine her. Abigail targeted her as she chose to confess and she will do anything to get her way, as she is frightened that Mary would reveal the truth. They then advance further to imitating Marys actions stamping feet and shaking fists, strengthening the tension, and maddening the audience even more with aggravation.When the other girls copy Mary Warrens actions, there is a lot of appargonnt motion involved, which intensifies the frustration that the audience are feeling and the girls cannot go back on their decision to follow Abigail as they are all trapped in their own deceit. The audience are unsure whether Mary will give in or not as she is so weak and we already know how manipulating Abigail is. Mary prote sts and eventually weakens and starts whimpering like a wounded animal as she is oerwhelmed by the conviction that she was being possessed by the devil in the form of the yellow bird Abigail conjured up.Danforth bullies Mary into speaking, Speak Will you speak and Proctor and Hale try to reveal the truth as the voice of horse sense. The whole scene climaxes with Mary out screaming all the other girls in pure desperation of them imitating her. This makes all the girls stop in astonishment creating a silence, which contrasts the noisiness with the quietness. Mary goes over to Abigail, who gives a look of triumph, as she finally succeeds in what she set out to do, by manipulating the situation to her advantage.Proctor loses his temper as Mary sides with the other girls in order to get herself out of the troubling situation and she claims John Proctor is the Devils Man. The audience are in dismay, as we know that Proctor is one of the only decent men and that he is in fact innocent. T he scene ends with Proctor losing his temper and chaos starts as Hale tries to make Danforth see sense that Proctor is blameless and Abigail is the malicious one. Hale leaves the court and the scene ends with Danforth shouting to him to come back, leaving a cliffhanger into Act 4.Danforth became hysterical towards the end as a result of the chaos occurring. The continued action through the scene keeps the audience on the edges of their seats and feeling like they are part of the play, which keeps them interested and involved, because they are feeling the emotion and distress as Proctor and Hale are so they feel as though they are going through the dramatic situation with them. The vast amount of action keeps the scene moving and there is always something happening as when ever the situation is diverted, Abigail steps in and takes the Yellow bird to another level.The short, sharp sentences during the scene also contribute largely to the tension building up and everyone is cutting ove r each others sentences, which creates the idea of more chaotic occurrence. The negative words that are used by Abigail and against her create a negative atmosphere, for example. I cannot stop She sees nothing, mustnt, never, dont dont. Also John Proctor makes references to biblical allusions to stick with religion on the good side to help him get people to believe his innocence, God damns all liars, and Angel Raphael even though he is the one person least likely to be involved in organised religion.Watching this scene made me frustrated and agitated as the situation becomes so out of hand as Abigail puts on such a brilliant act to discipline that the attention is not on Proctor and Hale who are trying to reveal that she was behind all the accusations right from the beginning. This is also how I feel an audience would react as I reacted in that way every time Abigail took the situation to another level and manipulating everyone until she reaches her target of getting Mary Warren o n her side and against John Proctor. I really enjoyed the play even though it was a sad ending.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Sociology Ethnicity Question

Using material from item A and elsewhere assess the claim that ethnic differences in program lineal achievement are primarily the leave of school factors. It is not completely internal school factors that shtup affect different ethnicities level of achievement in education, outside factors can have a large let on to play in the achievement levels of ethnic minorities in education as puff up. In education studies have shown that Chinese students as well as Indian students are the highest achieving ethnic groups in education while black and Bangladeshi students are the lowest achieving students.In 2006, 73% of pupils Indian origin gained a 5 A* C passes at GCSE, compared to 56% of White pupils and an even lower 47% of Black pupils, Item A agrees with this point. Labelling is a large part of the internal factors that affects different ethnic groups achievement in education as some teachers label different ethnic students as less able or be less able to understand the teacher beca use they are of different ethnicity when in fact they can understand as well as a white student.Ethnocentric Curriculum is likewise a large part of the internal factors that can have an affect on the success levels of the ethnic minorities in education as in schools they tend to teach subjects which are appealing to the white students over the black students. In history they tend to miss out training about black history in order to teach more appealing topics and in English, William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens are usually taught over black writers and this can cause the ethnic students to take less of a care to the subject, ending up in a lower success rate.The internal factor of institutional racialism is a major factor which can cause the different ethnic groups to be less successful in education. There is evidence of institutional racism in schools by the way that the schools take racism less seriously and often fail to deal with issues of racism which make the ethnic group s sprightliness disadvantaged and treated differently making them have a mood of fatalism about education this point is also made in item A. lark Article Sociology Test1As well as internal factors there are external factors that can affect the success levels of ethnic groups in education such(prenominal) as the inadequate language level spoken by low-income black families. Bereiter and Englemann found that there language skills were ungrammatical, disjointed and incapable for education and incapable for expressing ideas. Flaherty argued that the external factor of the ethnic groups being more likely to live in low quality, substandard council housing also plays a large part on the success levels of ethnic groups in education.This means that they give also be less likely to have good study space, money for health nourishing food and means they are less likely to have revision resources needed for success and item A agrees with this point. Racism in the wider society is also a large external factor which can have a large impact on the ethnic groups in the wider society as this racism can de-motivate people from doing well in education and striving to get the good jobs as they believe only the people who are white ethnicity will get the jobs.This racism is evident in Mike Noons study, when he sent off applications named Patel he got less, more negative responses than what he got when he sent of the same applications named Evans. So in conclusion, both internal and external factors are extremely important as the internal factors can affect them instanter when they are doing work in school but the external factors can affect how hard they work to try to give themselves a good take up outside of school as well as how hard they try at home after school. This makes them both as important as eachother.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


In the 1430s a man named Johann Gutenberg created the predecessor to the advanced im vexion press. The level of importance of the printing press is rivaled by few other(a) inventions, so much so that the invention of the printing press is oftentimes used as a reference to the social, political, and scientific change experienced by Europe after the presss introduction. (Wikipedia). Johannes Gutenberg invented a mechanical expressive style of making books. This was the first example of mass book production.Before the invention of printing, multiple copies of a manuscript had to be made by hand, a severe task that could take many years. Later books were produced by and for the church using the process of wood engraving. This required the craftsman to cut away the background, leaving the demesne to be printed raised. This process applied to both text and illustrations was extremely time consuming. When a page was complete, often by joining several blocks together, it would be inked and a sheet of paper was then pressed over it far an imprint. The susceptibility of wood to the elements gave such blocks a limited lifespan.When Johannes Gutenberg began building his press in 1436, he was un wishly to have realized that he was giving birth to an art form which would take center stage in the social and industrial revolutions which get hitched withed. The near important aspect of his invention was that it was the first form of printing to use movable type. His initial efforts enabled him in 1440 to mass-produce indulgences printed slips of paper sold by the Catholic Church to remit temporal punishments in purgatory for sins committed in this life, for those wealthy enough to afford indulgences.Gutenbergs invention spread rapidly after his terminal in 1468. It met in general with a ready, and as enthusiastic reception in the centers of culture. The names of more than 1000 newspaperwomans, mostly of German origin, have drive down to us from the fifteenth century . In Italy we find well over 100 German printers, in France 30, in Spain 26. legion(predicate) of the earliest printers outside of Germany had lettered their art in Mainz Gutenbergs Home and where they were know as goldsmiths.Among those who were undeniably pupils of Gutenberg, and who probably were also assistants in the Guttenberg printing ouse. The brisk printing presses had spread like brushfire through Europe. By 1499 print-houses had become established in more than 2500 cities in Europe. Fifteen million books had been flung into a world where scholars would travel miles to visit a depository library stocked with twenty hand-written volumes. Scholars argue about the numeral. It couldve been as few as eight million or as many as twenty cardinal million all within 50 years of the printing presses invention. But the output of new books had been staggering by any reasonable estimate.The people had suddenly come into possession of some thirty thousand new book titles. While th e Gutenberg press was much more efficient than manual copying, the industrial renewal and the introduction of the steam powered rotary press allowed thousands of copies of a page in a single day. Mass production of printed works flourished after the transformation to rolled paper, as continuous feed allowed the presses to run at a much faster pace. Gutenbergs invention did not make him rich, but it primed(p) the foundation for the commercial mass production of books.The success of printing meant that books soon became cheaper, and ever wider parts of the population could afford them. More than ever before, it enabled people to follow debates and take part in discussion of matters that concerned them. As a consequence, the printed book also led to more stringent attempts at censorship. This was a sucker that it was felt by those in authority to be dangerous and challenging to their position. The spread of literacy and the development of universities meant that by the 15th century , despite an assembly line draw close to the production of books, supply was no longer able to meet demand.As a result there was widespread interest in finding an election means of producing books. Before books could be mass produced, several developments were necessary. A ready supply of suitable material that could be printed on was required. Manuscript books were written on Vellum and this material was used for some early printed books, but vellum was expensive and not available in sufficient quantity for the mass production of books. The introduction of the technique of making paper and the subsequent development of a European apermaking industry was a necessary condition for the widespread adoption of print technology.Although a number of people had previously attempted to make metal type or had experimented with individual woodcut letters, it was not until a technique was devised for producing metal type in large quantities at a reasonable cost. This involved the design of a type-face and the production of molds used for making the individual pieces of type as well as the development of an alloy that was soft enough to cast yet hard enough to use for printing.It was also necessary to develop suitable inks for printing with the new type. The water-establish inks used for hand lettering and for block printing will not stick to metal type therefore a viscous oil based ink was required. Finally, a press was needed for transferring the image from type to paper. Precedents existed in the presses used for making wine, cheese and paper and one of Johannes Gutenbergs innovations was to adapt these presses for the printing process. An operator worked a lever to increase and decrease the pressure of the block against the paper.The invention of the printing press, in turn, set off a revolution that is legato in progress today. Look around wherever you are, and youll likely find plenty of printed material, from business cards to brochures to books. Printing words and images on paper whitethorn seem like one of the more environmentally benign things that printing does, but that isnt necessarily the case. If you examine the life cycle of printed matter from bout trees into paper through the witchs brew of chemicals involved professional printing takes on a decidedly non-green hue.Typically, the process involves a variety of inks, solvents, acids, resins, lacquers, dyes, driers, extenders, modifiers, varnishes, shellacs, and other solutions. Only a few of these ingredients end up directly on the printed page. Many of the ingredients are toxic Silver, lead, chromium, cadmium, toluene, chloroform, methylene chloride, barium-based pigments, and acrylic copolymers. And thats mot all. centiliter bleaching of paper is linked to cancer-causing water pollutants. Waste inks and solvents are usually considered hazardous.Bindings, adhesives, foils, and plastic bags used in printing or packaging printed material can turn back paper unrecyclable. And you thought it was just ink on paper. Not everyone defines green printing the same way and there is no standard of certification for what makes a printer green. There are several things a printer can do to minimize the detrimental effects to the environment. In general, an environmentally minded printer should use the most eco-friendly papers available, reduce or eliminate toxic chemicals, waste ink, and solvents.The printer should also be willing to use soy or other vegetable inks, educate customers about how to reduce a projects environmental impact. Green printing is on a roll, moving beyond small, do-good companies and activist groups to larger corporations and government agencies that have mandates to purchase greener goods and services. As demand for green printing has grown, so too has the number of printers offering such services. Many printers now days can recycle up to 98% of there wastes and more and more or doing just that. Life magazine called the printing press the gre atest invention in the last 1000 years.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Conformity vs. Rebellion (Bartleby the Scrivener) Essay

Conformity and rebellion are evil twins that humanity has been nourishing since the low gear of civilization. As we conform to the social norms that surround us everyday, we are trapped inside of this overwhelming agreement where we easily lose ourselves as individuals. On the other hand, the urges of rebellion that live in our ego obligate us to break from the state of our bondages. Yet, our superegos are trying to keep us in a presumable threshold, and enable us to stay in the system. As a result, people are fighting a constant internal battle of conformity versus rebellion. As Herman Melville describes in his story Bartleby the Scrivener, humanity is hopelessly try between conformity and rebellion. He presents us with images of entrapment and death to address his concerns for the issues of conformity and rebellion.The images of entrapment are evident end-to-end the story. From the lofty brick w altogether outside of the office window to the sound-dividing prison walls which Bartleby died within, the cashier traps the readers in his dark comeback of reality. Looking out the office windows, the light came down from far above, between two lofty buildings, as from a very small opening in a dome. The natural confinement of their dark and demoralise office space is apparent through the images of the dim lighting and restricted view. For Bartleby, the confinement is no long-lasting physical only if psychological. From his long-continued motionlessness, that behind his screen he must be standing in unmatched of those dead-wall reveries of his. This unusual behavior is a common act of such typesetters case.It is not the act of boredom but desperation and despondency that disintegrates from within and disables him from engaging in any productive activates. As the narrator takes the readers to the final exam resting place of Bartleby, he portrays the ultimate human confinement, the prison. The extreme thickness of the prison walls kept off all sound beh ind them. The images of entrapment are clear, that the inescapable prison walls trap any living souls inside of their boundaries. However, to Bartleby it is save another empty place, for his soul has already died long ago. The walls only keep off the outside orbit from him rather than restricting the already seized motions of Bartlebys. It is the place where Bartleby chooses to escape from all, and rest for an eternity with kings and counselors.Images of death come as a natural companion of entrapment. The character of Bartleby appears ghostly and lifeless. He is a motionless young man, who plant quietly like a machine in his dark and confined space. Unlike the way the narrator describes the other three employees of his, Bartleby has no anger, no ambition, and almost nothing human about him at all. The idly cadaverous response, I would prefer not to from Bartleby, implies that this mans spirit has died long before his physical death. There is nothing in this world excites him or motivates him, leaving him only dreaded depression.This emotional amour propre must drive Bartleby to insanity, to the extent that he gives up all life burdens including basic biological functions such as eating and sleeping. Later in the story, Bartleby is sent to the Tombs, because of the uncooperative nature of this man. The name of the jail Tombs carries a symbolic meaning of death. In the narrators description of the interior of the jail the Egyptian character of the masonry weighed upon me with its gloom, he reinforces the indestructible and inevitable power of death with these chilling images.The images of entrapment and death are excellent representations of to the model of conformity and rebellion, whereas Bartleby lives with the entrapment of his unfulfilling life, and finally chooses death as his ultimate rebellion. The narrator, Herman Melville, constructs the abstract character, Bartleby, to extract and speak for his desperation and hopelessness feeling towards the f ate of humanity as a whole. Quite like the dilemma Melville brought to our attention a half century ago, societies today are still struggling with issues of conformity and rebellion. We are so drive by the errands of life, and rarely stop and think about the reasons of our very existence. As the train of life speeds us to the final destination, we realize that we have traveled the exact same track as everyone else did.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Report Writing of Investigatory Project

WRITING A REPORT An investigatory science pop ends with a report. This report withal known as technical topic, includes the following patterns A. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This is the list of people who advise the student in undertaking the investigatory project. B. TITLE The title should be able to catch the attention of the reader. It should be concise, descriptive and self-explanatory. It should indicate clearly what the project is about. The phrase A Study to Show should be avoided, because in investigate you do not seek to prove something but rather to impartially find an answer.C. ABSTRACT This is a short paragraph of not more than 200 to 290 words which give the essential or maven features of the project or report. This should be descriptive or informative enough to present a omnibus(prenominal) picture of the study. D. INTRODUCTION This section includes the following 1. Background of the study This presents the reason that led the investigator to assemble the study. A historical background may be given. Or the background of the study may fix some observations and other germane(predicate) conditions that prompted the investigator to explore the line.Some questions to guide you while writing this part of the paper are the following -Why did I select this research project? -Are there others who have done exchangeable studies? -What have others done or not done that move or spurred me to work on this project? -What are my own observations which are relevant to the study? -Will the results of the study make any contribution in the attainment of a better quality of life? 2. Statement of the Problem and Objectives This must state what you aimed to accomplish. Whether the problem is stated in the form of question or declarative statement, always use brief, precise and undefiled statements.The objective should be stated positively and in the declarative form. Define the general objective or main problem and the specific objective(s) or sub-problem(s) you are t rying to answer or resolve. State these such(prenominal) that they are definitely and clearly related to the data obtained. 3. significant of the Project State why the study is worth making and how it can contribute to you as an individual, to your community and to your country. 4. mete/Limitations of the Study/Project Delimitation refers to the scope and extent of your study within the subject or topic area.Limitation includes the extent of your knowledge and let in the area. Moreover, it includes the practical and ethical considerations that affected the way you designed and executed your research plan. 5. Review of link Literature This part helps the reader of previous studies make on the projects topic or problem. The basic features of this part are a. Studies which are related in purpose, method or findings to your present study. b. drumhead statements of the studies being reviewed, The summary should show the transitions from earlier to past studies and relationships of pr evious studies to your present project problem. . Pertinent portions of relevant literature. The last name(s) of the author(s) followed by the year of publication in which the information appeared, should be enclosed in diversion and given at the end of the statement. E. MATERIALS AND METHODS 1. Materials and Equipment List down the materials, reagents, chemicals, plants, animals and other experimental units, as well as equipment that were used in performing the experiment. 2. Treatment or General Procedure Describe the procedure in such a way that anyone who is completely unfamiliar with your topic or methods will know on the button what you did.Also, should the reader desire to repeat your research, he can easily do so. It is important to cite the references for the methods or treatment you used and to describe in detail any modification you introduced. You should include the following the offspring of trials performed, the variables used, and how you gathered and organized the data. F. OBSERVATIONS/FINDINGS Present clearly and precisely what you observed. The method you used to summarize your data depends on the type of investigation and project you have undertaken. Graphic representations in the forms of diagrams, tables, photographs and slides, etc. re also utile in presenting data. G. ANALYSIS OF DATA Present your analysis of the data. Give the meaning, relationship and significance that the data reveal. H. abstraction Your interpretation of the data leads you to make some generalizations. You can arrive at these generalizations either by bank discount or induction. Present the line of reasoning which led you to these generalizations. I. APPLICATIONS AND IMPLICATIONS State the implications and practical applications of your findings. Several applications may be due to some limitations of your experiment or investigation.At this point, you should suggest any further research which would be an outcome of your study. J. BIBILIOGRAPHY List all the ref erences used in your investigation either alphabetically or in the mark of citing in the text of the scientific paper. If the reference is a book, state the author, title, place of publication, publisher, date and pages cited. If the references is a clipping article, state the author, title of the article, name of magazine, date and number of issue and page number. If the internet is used, indicate the website. rut for Truth and Compassion for Humanity Thanks to Philo for providing this copy.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Youth Policy Kazakhstan

Introduction It is 8 o measure in the morning. The alarm clock rings and everybody in the house wakes up. Kids get ready for school, adults go to work. but Almas is not in a hurry, it has been six months since he graduated from university and cannot make up ones mind a job that suits him. plot of land studying at university everything seemed so easy Graduate, find a good job, become rich. However, in reality, getting a job came out to be not as easy as he expected. Youth unemployment is one of the problems in the world nowadays.The percent succession of unemployed untried mass in Kazakhstan is cope with to 28. 6% ( , 2006). This means that the big portion of youth cannot find proper jobs. It is a recognized occurrence that unemployment is one of the dynamics through which the sociable condition of a country can be defined. starting time of all, how can youth be defined? Youth is considered as either a phase of life or as a social category. The phase of life refers to youth being the period betwixt childhood and adulthood. In this promulgate I get out consider childly people at the age of 20 to 24.Secondly, what is considered as unemployment? According to Investopedia (2012), unemployment is when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work. According to the United Nations frugal Committee for Europe (UNECE, 2011), youth unemployment was one of the drivers of the worldwide financial crisis in 2008. Thus, a politics activityal youth policy is one of the main policy directions in which a lot of countries all over the world are trying to improve nowadays. The Republic of Kazakhstan is also in the list of these states.The attitude of the Kazakhstani government to young people is seen in the justness About governmental youth policy ?581 from 7th of July 2004 (Kazahstanskaya Pravda, 2004). This law points out that youth are the future of the republic and this law is created to reduce the number of unemployed youth. Accor ding to the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2003) the percentage of youth of the overall universe of discourse was equal to 29. 1% in 2003 (cited in A Social personation of Young People in Todays Kazakhstan, 2006).This means that the youth is a significant fraction of the countrys population. Nowadays, young people face difficulties in receiving health service, good education, employment housing and other social issues. By providing support to this portion of the population and paying more attention to the development of youth policy, the Kazakhstani government could give the country an opportunity to build the basis for the brighter future for Kazakhstan. The main interrogation question of this report is What factors are contributing to youth unemployment?I will be investigating the reason young people cannot find jobs despite the fact that the government is making everything they can to reduce the number of unemployed young people. As I am graduating soon this issue has a direct connection to me, so I also want to find out what can I do to avoid this problem. In regularise to answer the key interrogation question I will follow the three research clinicals. Firstly, as I have written in the previous paragraphs young people have a Brobdingnagian influence on the economy of any country.That is why I will analyze the current economic, social and political situation in Kazakhstan. Secondly, I will estimate the effectiveness of youth policy of the government in Kazakhstan. Finally, I will consider the opinions of young people on the issue of youth unemployment. The research project will consist of a survey and interviews. Questionnaires will be distributed among the alumni students of universities as Kazakhstan Institute of Economics, focal point and Strategic Research (KIMEP), University of International Business (UIB), Kazakh-British proficient University (KBTU) and others.The reason Im choosing exactly Kazakh-British Technical University (KBTU) and others. The reason Im choosing exactly this kind of survey is that results are likely to be objective because of to the anonymity of the surveyed people. Moreover, through questionnaires I will be able to gather information from a significant amount of people in a short time. The surveys are planned to be held during the midterm name (October, 2012). The representatives of such governmental youth organizations such as KIMEP Students Association (KSA) and Zhas Otan Youth Political Party will be interviewed.I will interview them, as they know the problem from the inside from the governmental point of view. Also, they are university graduates, so they can analyze the problem by combining the two different sides. Interviews are helpful, as during the interview I will be able to ask questions Im interested in and find new information from the knowledge and experiences of the representatives. Interviews will also be held in October, 2012. The first paragraph of this report gives info rmation on the general background of research problem and also identifies the main research uestion. Moreover, introduction includes the short description of the research methods. It also consists of the work plan. The second section addresses the literature review, which is establish on the information collected from academic articles of Google Scholar selective informationbases, EBSCOhost, magazines, Kazakhstani newspapers, different Internet resources, and books. The third chapter covers the data and methodology information. The next chapter focuses on the analysis of received data and its discussion. The last chapter is the conclusion. It summarizes the done work.The sources used and gathered are provided in the bibliography section. Each section is approximately from four to seven pages. References Eshpanova D. D. & Nysanbaev A. N. (2006). A Social Portrait of Young People in Todays Kazakhstan. Russian Education and Society, 48, 75-96. Retrieved from EBSCOhost Database ? ? 7 2004 581 (Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan virtually Governmental youth policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan July 7, 2004, ?581).Kazahstanskaya Pravda, 158. (The problem of unemployment amoung young people). (2006). Zakon. Retrieved from http//www. zakon. kz/77840-obsuzhdeny-problemy-bezraboticy-sredi. html United Nations Economic Committee (2011). Men are more affected by rising youth unemployment in to the highest degree UNECE countries. Retrieved 10, September, 2012, from http//www. unece. org/statshome/news/newsyouth-uneployment-rate. html

Friday, May 17, 2019

Speak Response to Literature

It is easier not to say anything. Shut your trap, button your lip can it. All that crap you hear on TV about communication and expressing feelings is a lie. nonentity really wants to hear what you have to say. (Speak. Pg. 9, divide 4. ) Everyone at some point in their lives have mat that terrifying feeling of dejection, sorrow, anger, frustration and pain. Whether it is an action make by one or an action done by others, there is always the fear of being judged, to which slew decide it is best if they dont talk their problems with others.Melinda used to be a serene, sweet loving girl that loved to play sports and had a good relationship with her p bents and friends, but suddenly, as she started her first high school year, she skips days of school, drop her grades and feels exclusively empty. The tones of fear and relief in Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson reflect an inner growth presented by the of import fictitious character when she overcomes the challenging and devastating condition of being sexually abused.The foreshadowing presented several times in the yarn reinforces the mystery and the intrigue in the reader as it discovers and resolves the conflict and causes of it. In the beginning of the book, Melinda expresses what she has been dreading she is the Outcast and the wholly person in the entire galaxy she is dying to tell what really happened (Pg. 3, carve up 3 Pg. 4, Paragraph 2. ) and whom she trusted all her life, Rachelle, Melindas best friend until 8th grade, hates her to death.For this reason the reader can realise that something inconveniently awful occurred since there is a very sudden shift in their friendship that caused not only their total isolation, but also, feelings of anger and resentment. The power does this to emphasize a sense of interest, charm and distinctiveness as a hook to capture the readers attention from the beginning to build up the plot in the story. Equally, later on in the book, there is a shocking event when Melinda gets trap with Andy Evans in the janitors office she was about to wet her pants as Andy lividly cracks his knuckles and stares at her without talking. (Pg. 193, Paragraph 3. ) As Melinda gets corned face to face with her biggest fear, the reader feels anxious wondering whether he is freeing to rape her again or is Melinda going to stand up for herself, be brave and take avenge from that pervert selfish bit. The author does this to built suspense in the reader as it gets to the ending settlement of the books plot this anxiety is built up by giving small clues that designate certain actions. For this reason the reader is able to get the traumatic feelings of terror and affliction from a believably screw.The symbolism behind the abandoned janitors office in Speak, conveys the reader of the powerful conflict of man versus self. In a moment of trouble, Melinda discovers the inactive and decrepit janitors office and she describes it as an abandoned place with no purpose, no name and finds is it appropriate for her. (Pg. 25, Paragraph 4. ) The closet represents isolation from the rest of the school as considerably as it provides her with a place of self-reflection and tranquil safety.The author does this to emphasize Melindas affliction and her insecurity, hiding from people and not expressing her feelings to others. Consequently, the Secret Annex was a place for protection and avoiding any type of harm during the mankind War II in which Anne Frank and her family lived for a very long time. Furthermore, in the end of the story, Melinda is fisticuffs her stuff from the closet when suddenly, some body slams into her chest and nocks her back into it (Pg. 193, Paragraph 3. ) she trapped with Andy Evans, the beast that meet her once and came to do it once more.As they were fighting, Melinda breaks the mirror hanging form the wall and wrap her fingers around a triangle of glass she holds it into Andy Evans neck hard enough to raise one drop of blood. Immediately, his lips are paralyzed and cannot speak. Melinda added, I said no (Pg. 195, Paragraph 2. ). The closet reflects the place of self-transformation as she becomes audacious and gains control of the situation to fight for herself. The author does this to demonstrate the rewarding satisfaction of fighting over the problems and the commodious change that involved courage and maturity.Melinda is able to defeat her biggest fear by ontogenesis up, having confidence in herself just like an invincible hero. The first person point of view gives the reader a personal-hand take of the struggle the protagonist experience as she overcomes her condition. After confronting the truth about what happened that night in a TV show, she feels extremely sick, devastated and confesses, My head is killing me, my throat is killing me, my stomach bubbles with toxic waste. () A insensibility would be nice. ) Anything just to get rid of this, these thoughts, whispers in my mind. Did he rape my head too? (Pg. 165, Paragraph 2. ) When the character starts reflecting about what happened, she feels fearful and uncertain. The author does this to help the reader understand a personal experience by getting inside her head, which is the only place where Melinda expresses without restrictions or concerns of being judged by her parents, friends and society. In the give-up the ghost pages of the story, Melinda makes a self-reflection in which she says, IT happened.There is no avoiding it, no forgetting. No running away, or flying, or burying, or hiding. () It wasnt my fault. He hurt me. It wasnt my fault. And Im not going to let it kill me. I can grow. (Pg. 198, Paragraph 1. ) As Melinda cogitates on the events that occurred that night, she has a drastic transformation from her mature beliefs compared to her callow, insecure ones. The author uses this point of view to emphasize the emotional and personal growth of the protagonist by becoming courageous and confronting her fear.Th is perspective is intended so the reader can feel empathy and understanding as it becomes aware of the main characters personal opinions. Melindas challenge reinforces lifes most challenging task, growing up. Being in such a traumatic age of 14 to 16, it is very hard to share with these types of situations that are ordinary in our society but are often excluded from conversations however Melindas actions should tire as being a raw model to other people that have experienced the selfsame(prenominal) abuse.Society should protect and look after everyone involved in any abuse, instead, of being so close-minded and judgmental. Furthermore, in order for these abuses to stop, people should gain courage to defend themselves by denouncing their acts the society around them should not let these misdoings be forgotten with neglect. Bibliography Halse Anderson, Laurie. Speak. New York Penguin Group, 2009. Print.